Hidaya Toif's Zone
Keep on Moving to Success...
ASSIGNMENT 1 | 8:58 PM |
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Business issue Technology issue Organizational issue Figure 2.1: The business, technology and organizational issues(refer to hard copy) Functional Figure 5.1: The functional organizational structure(refer to hard copy) Project Figure 5.2: The project organizational structure (refer to hard copy) Matrix Figure 5.3: The matrix organizational structure(refer to hard copy) The examples to illustrate the importance based on an already implemented project are the KTMB@OnePay. PROJECT MANAGER EXAMPLES Need adequate resources Get approval for unique project needs in a timely manner Receive cooperation from people throughout the organization Need someone to mentor and lead them on leadership issues Table 6.1: Important based on KTMB@OnePay
The business sphere requires a project to concern the cost to the user. It also includes supporting the cost and the impact to the implementation. In technological sphere, it needs to know how each and every tool and technology work. It also needs to know the strengths, benefits, limitations and costs.
In organizational issues, it more concern about the affect of the project to the user.
project. This project has 2 phases to be implemented and Information Technology Division (ITD) was in charge of the project implementation and management. Phase 1 of the IIUM Campus Wide Wireless project was rolled out in February 2008, and was officially launched in May 2008. It was covered the entire academic area at Gombak Campus, Indera Mahkota Campus and Jln Hospital Campus.
While, Phase 2 of the IIUM Campus Wide Wireless project is still ongoing project and expected will fully deployed by end of February 2010. The business, technology and organizational issues that I think can be addressed for the project as follows:-
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